You can’t choose your family but she canThe perfect trigonometry instructor, coach, father anddesigner label stubble wearing member of an Ohio high schoolfaculty is flawed when his career obsessed ex-wife is killedin a car accident. His gorgeous 17 year
old pupil, who alreadyharbours desires for him, moves in for the kill – at firstmetaphorically, and when the teacher refuses her advancesliterally. If grieving for his loss wasn’t enough to keep himoccupied his secret admirer trumps up a false rape chargetries to run him over in a car and plays her hand atblackmail. The Perfect Teacher is an engrossing take
old pupil, who alreadyharbours desires for him, moves in for the kill – at firstmetaphorically, and when the teacher refuses her advancesliterally. If grieving for his loss wasn’t enough to keep himoccupied his secret admirer trumps up a false rape chargetries to run him over in a car and plays her hand atblackmail. The Perfect Teacher is an engrossing take
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